OC Type: Team Fortress 2
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: gay
Species: human
character notes:
- vc: joel fry
- merasmus’s last apprentice, ran away and ended up joining the mercs
- gets along well with pyro (is kinda fascinated by him)
- goes by ‘bucky’, his real name was sold for a soul
- has ten souls (one of them is his) inhabiting his body at once due to a job gone wrong (partially related to the reason why the graveyard was always so empty when demo was a kid)
- can harness all ten souls to either create a powerful barrier for a short time or create a very powerful aoe attack
- the difference between medic’s nine souls and bucky’s ten souls is that medic’s souls are dormant, while bucky’s are active. this means that bucky hear their voices, can communicate with them, and can even be ‘possessed’ by them, while medic just has extra souls (the original owners of which are all still alive)
- magic colour is green
- hopeless romantic
- bucky meets someone outside of teufort and becomes romantically attached. this causes him to consider retiring so he doesn’t put this person in danger and make them a target for any potential attacks (he doesn’t retire and this exact thing happens and he feels horrible about it)