OC Type: D&D
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: gay probably
Species: Harengon
Ever since he was a young kit, Claude has been fascinated with magic. His rural hometown seated at the bottom of a sprawling valley has seen its fair share of travelling druids, wizards and other adventurers, and every visit by such a magically-inclined person has always left Claude with a reignited flame of passion in his heart, spurring him on in his studies of magic.
The third oldest of eight siblings, Claude has grown up in a crowded but loving home, in a close-knit neighbourhood near the edge of town. His parents are both farmers, and save for his father, none of his family have travelled very far from home, or at least no further than two towns away. Needless to say, Claude’s plans to go to the big city have been a very exciting and nerve-racking time for everyone.
Luca, Claude’s childhood friend, has been by his side as long as either of them can remember. Even though he already has seven siblings, Claude is as close with Luca as any of them, if not moreso. Luca shared somewhat in Claude’s fascination with magic, but was far more inclined towards animal husbandry like his mother. The two of them still bonded over almost every facet of their lives, not the least of which being their skilled hands in the kitchen. Both families were quite notable within the village for their excellent cooking, even in a village full of culinarily inclined people, and the children were no exception.
Claude’s upbringing was about as idillic as it could be, save for his thirst for knowledge remaining unquenched due to the somewhat isolated nature of his village, and the lack of any advanced learning materials regarding magic, as the village had always been highly focused on agriculture and trade. Most of Claude’s more advanced magical knowledge prior to his journey to the city comes from what he picked up from adventurers passing through, and experimenting with mixing spells together, which almost always ended poorly.
Now as a young adult, Claude is known to be a bit of a control freak, planning things out to the most minute details, and lashing out with profanities at people who ruin those plans. That being said, he is quite open-minded and is always eager to learn more about the things he comes across. He also closely values his family and everyone back home, and makes sure to write to them often.
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