OC Type: Baldur’s Gate/DnD
Pronouns: they/them
Orientation: one of em
Species: wild fey
Race name: Wild Fey
Description: A category of fey creature that isn't encompassed by any other known species, wild fey come in all shapes and sizes and are often humanoid with prominent animal characteristics. The wild fey are closely intertwined with Mielikki, goddess of the forests, and serve to protect nature and the inhabitants of their home forest. They also serve as intermediaries between the forests and outsiders, whether warding, guiding, or welcoming them.
Deity: Mielikki (mai-LEE-kee), goddess of the forests and all the creatures within
Languages: common, sylvan, wyld
Class: Bard/Monk
Alignment: Neutral Good
Origin: Kreek is the sole protector of a grand forest- or, they were, before the events of the campaign. Now they need to get home, but with little knowledge of the world outside their forest, they have no idea where to go, and Mielikki is oddly quiet, even for her.
Other: Makes good use of Mage Hand and Minor Illusion to play multiple instruments at once, including ones they don’t have.
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