

Miovichi was Stawbr’s home planet prior to the events of CC. It is a very Earth-like planet, and most of its civilisation largely resembles a futuristic version of 1930’s England.

The planet itself orbits a binary star system of two orange dwarf stars, and has two moons. Due to having two stars, seasons on Miovichi are quite sporadic, changing in irregular, often unpredictable patterns. One day each year, the planet cycles through all four major seasons in the span of the day.

Miovichian society is very homogenous on account of the connectivity almost all citizens have been afforded for decades. One primary language is spoken by all citizens, with very few surviving sub-groups of dialects. Of course, different areas of the world have their own niches and idiosyncrasies, but a lot of it is more or less the same. Much of the differences in society stem from classism, which unfortunately prevails across all of Miovichi.


Miovichi’s countries are separated by continent, and as such the two terms are interchangeable. Stawbr lived on the continent of Levia, presided over by President Cassius Yunesson, a very egotistical and self-absorbed stork. His second in command is a militant cat named Sally Darling. She also happens to be in charge of the propaganda department.