OC Type: Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
Pronouns: they/he
Orientation: queer
Species: human

character notes:
- has telekinesis (can also make objects phase through each other)
- has ptsd and memory issues from their time in blackwing, attacks ken as soon as they see him (dirk talks them out of killing him tho)
- was very good friends with dirk while in blackwing
- 4-5 year age gap between dirk and raylee
- holistic messenger (calls themself a holistic errand boy tho lol)
- nicknamed project athos
- if called by his project name he will get mad
- very prone to panic attacks
- existential crisis 24/7 (knows that everyone else from blackwing is a holistic something but doesn’t know what he is until much much later)
- gets captured by blackwing and is used in an experiment that ends up with him getting his telekinesis temporarily taken away/disabled in order to get to dirk (is very depressed while without their powers, snaps at todd for not understanding)
- powers don’t work when they’re having a panic attack
- blackwing uses a specific image that sends raylee into a panic attack bc they tried shock therapy on him with that image as a failsafe when they realised his telekinesis doesn’t work during a panic attack