OC Type: creature collective

Pronouns: he/him

Orientation: omnisexual

Species: dog thing


character notes:

more in-depth backstory:

Back on Miovichi, Stawbr was part of a small but close-knit group of friends infamous in bohemian Miovician circles, who spent a lot of their time partying and and causing trouble while they had their mostly harmless fun.

Miovichi is built on an inherently classist society, so when Stawbr was found to be “fraternising” with someone from a lower class, a warrant was put out for his arrest, forcing him to go on the run on rather short notice. The person he was caught with had already been arrested by the time Stawbr said goodbye to his friends, so not only were the authorities now after him, but also friends of the lowerclassman in question. They were also quite popular in their own circles, so to say Stawbr had a price on his head was an understatement.

That same day, Stawbr was ambushed by the aforementioned party, and was left for dead in a lonely sidestreet in a less busy part of town. It wasn’t long until he was found by Dr Allegiri, an old friend and ex-partner of Stawbr’s. She took him into the hospital she worked at and he was placed under her care.

After being comatose for almost a week, Stawbr awoke with no memory of anything or anyone prior to being ambushed, including Dr Allegiri herself. She continued to look after him and monitor his wellbeing, both physically and mentally as he recovered. He very quickly began to develop signs of mania, and his mood had become increasingly erratic as time went on. Dr Allegiri’s treatment seemed to improve these symptoms slightly, but it wasn’t enough.

Just when things were finally looking up, the hospital was caught in a politically charged attack, some say sparked by Stawbr and the lowerclassman’s affair and subsequent arrest warrants. In a blur of flashing red lights and alarms, and another blow to the head, Stawbr found himself lucid for the first time since he was attacked. He also found Dr Allegiri lying motionless next to him, and in that moment he questioned if he had killed her. That question would never truly leave him, even as he found himself suddenly surrounded by a handful of equally listless creatures in a blinding white void.