OC Type: Star Trek
Pronouns: they/them
Orientation: pan/ace
Species: Verakai

character notes:
- besties with data
- started out as a stowaway, but captain picard offered them ✨employment✨
- says “sir” a lot
- average verakai lifespan is 200 years
- was in training for their people’s equivalent of the airforce so already had most of the training necessary, hence ensign rank
- lost their arm in an attack (before their employment arc but was still technically a stowaway at that point), requested a custom prosthetic while being treated bc custom prosthetics are a common part of verakai society
- the attack was from the anpholorians, the enemies of the verakai. the anpholorians had been trying to oppress the verakai for decades at this point, so when they found out that tumaki had escaped the planet they sent a strike team on board the enterprise to track them down and make an example of them
- verakai value uniqueness and creativity
- enjoys gardening
- met data after losing their arm, he was the one who saved them by getting them to the medbay and the first person on the enterprise to show them kindness
- dies in their 150’s by giving their life to save data